Saturday, February 23, 2008

Thing-a-day #21-23


#21 New Dreadlocks!

I love these colors. In fact, I've done them before, sort of. The very first time I put in dreads I used these colors - except the blonde was silver. These are super sweet! And while I was busy with the dreads, K decided to do her own craft:

A Medieval Castle! Complete with a king, queen and a prince. Not bad for a few sheets of paper and some TP tubes.

#22 Mini-Origami!

I really enjoy paper folding. At the library I found a book on origami greeting cards. These little pretties really are little. I used 1" squares for each petal. That's tricky to fold.

#23 Hemline!

I finally had some nice weather and a few minutes to work on the kirtle. So I pinned up the hemline and did a quick running stitch along the bottom. I MAY just get this dress done before the end of the month!


  1. Anonymous7:30 PM

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