Thursday, January 07, 2010

Book List 2010

I just finished my first book of the year!
The Time Traveler's Wife
I saw the movie trailers for this last fall and found it to be quite an interesting concept. When I discovered the movie was based on a book, I knew I just had to read it! Of course, when I went to the library to get it, I discovered that several hundred other people also wanted to read the book! I "shelved" that idea! A copy of the book didn't appear on the shelves until just before Christmas. I snagged it up and put it in my "to read" pile (which is always growing). I started reading it at the end of 2009 but just got it finished. I wasn't able to spend all my free time reading, so I read in between all my other crafting, sewing, knitting, blogging, surfing, teaching, cleaning, etc, etc.

In 2009 I managed to read 41 books. Plus I read dozens of craft books, though not always cover-to-cover, so those aren't included in the final number. This year, it is one of my goals to double that number. But I'm not going to set a reading schedule or anything. That would just suck all the fun out of reading for pleasure!

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